Obedience Training
SATURDAY – We train all breeds of dogs.
This is not a course.
You can continue Basic Obedience training
until you feel you have achieved your goal.
Many members have continued training for several
years, making their Saturday afternoon dog training
part of their outdoor activities.
Your dog will learn the following:
– to walk with you on lead
– to come when called
– to sit, down and stand
– to fetch a dumbbell / throw article
– to stay
– to socialise with other dogs
As the dog progresses you will be encouraged to
move to an advanced class where your dog will
become more adventurous with the different
levels of training.
Children under the age of 16 years will
unfortunately not be allowed to train.
Please bring a 1.2 m cotton leash
(available from Pick ‘n Pay, Checkers,
Shoprite or Spar), metal check collar
(choke chain) and throw toy.