It feels as if winter has hit us hard and fast, with temperatures into the minus’s!Brrrr, roll on summer, but in the meantime stay warm with hot chocolate and pancakes! Welcome to you all!
“Stompies”, plastic and glass. If you see any, please pick them up.We are very proud of our beautiful grounds. Please care as much as we do.
Our obedience dog show was on Saturday, 21st July, a beautiful, warm day.It was heartwarming to see so many entrants who arrived with family and friends.We done to all of you!Thank you to our sponsors Montego, Ina from Chasers, Heidi from Die Perdeplaas, Samantha, Michelle, Ute, Loani from DIY Depot Derdepoort and Pretoria Shepherd Dog Club. Thank you to our trainers who put in so much time to see their “brood” do well. Thank you to Erich for taking photos, which will soon be on our FaceBook page. Stoney and Ruben ably manned the braai! A big thank you to steward Samantha and judge Tania and club committee! The wafting aroma of boerewors rolls with tomato and onion “smoor” and German sausage with mustard was almost overwhelming, and after the show more eating and social camaraderie took place!
A message from Heidi, owner of Die Perdeplaas:
“Well, when I’m not teaching music, I teach kids and adults horse riding. We started nine years ago with Die Perdeplaas on our plot on Graham Road, Pta East. All started with Kelsey and her love for horses. My music students started riding casually and we had one horse! Today, by God’s grace, we teach around 40 riders and we have 15 horses!
We focus on horsemanship, therapeutic riding for special needs riders with various disabilities, self-esteem of the kids and exposure to all disciplines in the horse world in a fun, non-competitive manner.
To achieve this, we teach normal recreational horse-riding lessons of 45 min, we offer therapeutic riding, outrides, parties, corporate functions and camps.
The horse is a wonderful counsellor, teacher and companion, just like our dogs!!”
1st place: Silvia – Emma
2nd place: Erik – Pasha
3rd Place: Esme – Dakotha
1st place: Heidi – Xena
2nd place: Sharon – Mika
3rd place: George – Buddy
Martin – Zara
Kelsea – Lexi (unofficial)
Anton – Haskia
1st place: Loani – Katya
2nd place: Anton – Levi
3rd place: Claudia – Julie
Michelle – Munchkin
Peter – Ragnar
1st place: Mariette – Cara
2nd place: Este – Gruno
3rd place: Ute – Zita
If I greeted everyone happily
Instead of eyeing with distrust
If I didn’t pass judgement
But accepted all
If I listened intently
With understanding in my eyes
If I brought comfort
All the time, no matter what
If I loved unconditionally
Without reservation
If I lived life more simply
Instead of worrying so much
If I played tirelessly
And didn’t work so hard
If I made people smile
Just by my presence in the room
If I experienced true joy
At the little things in life
Then I’d be the perfect friend
Just like my dog
We would like to walk at the Faerie Glen Nature Reserve in September. I have sent you the permit requirements.Please get them ASAP if you would like to join the walk.
Lalie’s nightmare: to be back in the cage with thunder and lightning and no shelter.Lalie’s daydream: a huge bowl of food where she can lie in and eat until she is full.
Zita’s nightmare: to be expected to play with 2 x 7-month-old male pit bulls, just because I’m such a nice girl.
Zita’s daydream: to have a Mommy with as many naughty ideas as I have and play with me all day.
Haskia best day dream: never ending chewing rope with a tyre!
Haskia worst nightmare: being more than 2 meters away from her humans, outside the house without a soft blanket.
I can’t really tell which is Skelta’s best daydream. All I know is that at times he lets out a long sigh of satisfaction. His nightmare is when the people come to wash them. I have been told that at times they flip Benji upside-down. I think Skelta worries of being flipped upside-down.
Dingo, Shelby, Gypsy Girl and Georgi Girl would love to run in the veld all day with their Mom.
Their worst nightmare is going to the veterinarian.
1 tin bully beef/tomato pilchards
3 eggs
3/4 cup milk/water
3 tbl coconut oil melted
3 cups bran rich self-raising wheat flour
Mince the bully beef till fine. Heating it makes it easier.
Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.
The mixture must be not too dry and not too sloppy.
Spray a flat/cookie pan and sift flour all over the bottom.
Spoon the mixture into the pan and roll it out to fill the pan’s edges about 4mm thick.
Press 20x20mm squares into the dough with a long smooth knife.
Bake at a low temperature (80-100 deg) for an hour to one and a half hours till hard.
Check that the bottom doesn’t burn when oven is too hot. Cookies can also be flipped around with an egg-lifter in order for it to cook all over evenly.
When cooled break squares. – LOANI
4th August – New intake of dogs.Puppies are welcome every week
1st September – New intake of dogs.Puppies are welcome every week
2nd September – Canine Good Citizen’s Test
A talk by snake expert Arno Naude
23rd September – walk on Faerie Glen Nature Reserve
The Genius of Dogs – How Dogs Are Smarter Than You – Brian Hare and Vanessa Woods
Thank you to everyone who has sent testimonials – they’re on the website!This is a powerful and easy way of advertising your club, so please make full use of it – Face Book page also has some interesting photos and information!
The grounds are very dry with the winter coming to an end.Thanks to Elvis for removing a load of unwanted wood in spite of his hand injury. We need assistance with maintenance and improvements.We wish to put together a 1-day work party, followed by a bring ‘n braai.The club hasn’t had a work party get-together for a long time, and we look forward to spending time with you!
Dogs bought from SPCA or Wetnose qualify for one month’s free training (excluding R280.00 club membership fee).Just bring along your receipt of purchase.The SPCA Newsletter has put out a request for more volunteers, so if you have any spare time, please consider donating it to a worthy cause.Please contact Celestie Mathews who is a volunteer at the SPCA.She has some wonderful fundraising ideas.Celestie also has a volunteer Wattsapp group that you can belong to, where she advertises the SPCA’s wish lists – 082 825 8442.
Our adopted animal charity is the South African Veterinary Association’s community project called Community Veterinary Clinics (CVC).They look after the primary healthcare of dogs and cats in disadvantaged communities, and offer vaccinations, de-worming, dipping and sterilisations at a reduced fee.Please get involved in their MySchool card project – CVC have collected the donation of beds, jackets, collars, leashes, bowls, etc. Thank you to everyone who donated.
Membership and training fees are now due.Ruben is available at the club house every Saturday, alternatively, kindly make an EFT and forward him your proof of payment –
SATURDAY – gates open at 1.30pm
OBEDIENCE – new intake the first Saturday of every month at 2pm
2:00pm – 3:00pm/3:15pm – 4:15pm/4:00pm – 5:00pm/ – Beginners – please arrive at 1.30pm and visit our Treasurer, Ruben in the Club house – please bring a 1.2m cotton leash, metal check chain and throw toy or dumbbell.
Obedience training – R200.00 per month, payable 3-monthly in advance. PLEASE BOOK WITH US BEFOREHAND. This is not a course, but ongoing training.
PUPPY CLUB – – 4.30pm – Annual club membership – R280.00
R800.00 for the 6-week course – puppies can join any time.
This class is for puppies between the ages of 3 months and 5 1/2 months.The puppies must have had their 2nd vaccination and been de-wormed.Appropriate tick and flea control must be administered before participating.Please bring your vaccination books.The members will have a lecture in the Club house and thereafter learn the basics in puppy obedience, e.g. retrieve, heelwork, sit, down and stand.And of course, lots of socializing.Bring along a 1.2m cotton leash, metal check chain and throw toy. If the dogs advance well before the age of 6 months, they can join Beginner training. PLEASE BOOK WITH US BEFOREHAND.
Secretary – Beverly – 083 272 1014
Chairperson and Chief Trainer – Tania – 082 430 1456
Treasurer – Ruben Muller –
We train with treats and comfortable waist treat bags, which are available from Ruben for sale on Saturdays.They are R100 each and the small treat bag is R60 – there is limited stock. We also sell dumbbells and leashes.Please ask Ruben or one of the trainers to assist you.
Kind regards