Club Members Feedback
We got Zeppelin in October 2016, when he was just 11 weeks old. He was a little rescue pup, with skin and weight problems, but the cutest thing ever! We’ve never had a large breed dog and needed to learn how to handle him and what is needed to get little Zeppelin happy and healthy. […]
Lucky and Cloë, our two exuberant Labradors love to ‘say hello’ to everybody they meet be it other people and dogs. Unfortunately both get so excited and out of control that most people prefer to steer clear of them. No interaction leads to more excitement, and more excitement leads to even less interaction. We were […]
I joined the puppy training five weeks ago with my German Shepherd puppy, Charlie. We have had a great time. The socialising session at the end of the training has been lots of fun for the puppies and they have all become quite comfortable with other dogs. The training has been relaxed and useful. We […]
As utmost amateurs in dog training, Pretoria Shepherd Dog Club made us feel at ease from the very first day. We had one thing in common… Love for dogs. We have learned so much in such a short time and believe it’s an ongoing journey. Sonstraaltjie is a much happier and more content dog since […]
Fudge het so suutjies op ‘n gewone dag midde-in ‘n hittegolf in ons lewe gekom. Die vuil, verboureerde bruin brak, tou te styf om die nek. Pootjies deurgeloop, lyfie vol seerplekke netso in die straat laat lê “om te leer”. Gelukkig stop my vriendin en haar man, neem terstond die brak by die boemelaar af. […]
I initially brought Nuada (my 2 y.o. male German Spitz Klein) to the Pretoria Shepherd Dog Club for socialisation; he had been attacked by a larger dog and was becoming increasingly anxious and aggressive towards other dogs. I started him at the club in January 2015, nervous and unsure what to expect. Within a month […]
We started at the Pretoria Shepherd Dog Club in June 2014 with our two gorgeous Border Collie puppies that were just 6 months old and full of mischief, being brother and sister, we were told by many that we would encounter numerous problems when it came to training them. But 3 months down the line […]
WATCH THE LITTLE EYEBROWS! Reward-based training is just that – huge rewards for the trainer. Watching yur dog’s face light up when you move towards the dumbbell and lead; the buoyancy and joy in his step and yes, the smile on his face when he knows it is training time! Developing the relationship between you […]
In, January 2014, I became the proud owner of a 6 week old, female Sable German Shepherd puppy. I knew of the Pretoria German Shepherd Dog Club existence for a long time, being a club member of a neighbouring organisation in Menlo Park, and decided to join. We waited with great anticipation, so that Cindy […]
November last year I started at the club with an essentially feral puppy. No one, including me, could pet him and he was scared of everyone and everything (except other dogs). In the last few months he has really blossomed and one would swear I had switched him for his identical twin. He now greets […]
When we started puppy club at Pretoria shepherd dog club with our maverick, then 4 months old, my husband and I didn’t quite realise how much we all would benefit from the training and advice we would get from the training staff at the club. Maverick is just what his name implies: a maverick. Incredibly […]
I joined the Pretoria German Shepherd Dog Club in September 2012. Myself and Bruno enjoy the training thoroughly and when Saturday afternoon arrives, Bruno’s sixth sense alerts him that it is now time for training and he reminds me that he wants to go for training. All the instructors are friendly, helpful, dedicated and always […]
We have two adorable dogs (at least to us).Moscow and Chelsea.We got Moscow (a black Labrador) as a puppy in December 2010.He was until recently (just before he turned 2 years), very naughty.He ate up several cactuses in the garden, alarm cables, beams, trees, you name it…Fortunately he is now a bit bigger and we […]
My experiences at the Shepherd Dog Club has been filled with joy, for my doggie, Liquorice and I. Liquorice has improved so much with obedience and listens everytime I talk to him. The great thing for me is that we change what we do each time in the classes. The obstacles are a great challenge […]
I really enjoy coming to Pretoria Shepherd Dog Club. The training is very structured, you feel you are getting somewhere with your training. All the instructors are very helpful, friendly and supportive.I have been part of dog clubs before and this is really the best I experienced. Marita Stockenstrom and Spikkels
We adopted Buddy from the SPCA in January. He was like a little wooden dog emotionally and we think he had been beaten and pulled around on a chain. I soon realised he was a hunter with a terrific “prey instinct” (Tania’s phrase for ruthless killer!) He was absolutely wild and did whatever he liked. […]
Sedert die begin van 2013 is ek betrokke by Pretoria Shepherd Dog Club met my Salt/Pepper Riesenschnauzer, Fraulein. Ons het aanvanklik die Puppy Kindergarten bygewoon, waarby ek baie geleer het en Fraulein die geleentheid gekry het om te sosialiseer met ander honde en hulle eienaars. Vanaf April doen ons die beginners gehoorsaamheidsopleiding en is dit […]
My naam is Mignon. Ek is ‘n Yorkshire terrier. Ek kry opleiding by ‘n hondeskool waar ek allerhande snaakse goed moet leer. Hoekom weet ek nie! My mense-ma sê dit is vir dissipline. Ek het mos nie dissipline nodig nie! Hier leer hulle my om langs my mense-ma te loop, nie voor of agter nie, […]
Our doggy’s name is Jessica, she is a Golden Retriever. When we first got her she was a small friendly Puppy with a lot of energy. We soon realized that thru love and discipline we can transform this energy into skill. We joined the puppy kindergarten at Pretoria Shepherd Dog Club. In this class Jessica […]
I only have complements for your dog club. This is a real dog school as I always imagined it for myself. Nice structure of lessons, nice split into different levels of advances, nice supervision from trainers on the lessons and lots of constructive help/guide lines on training the dog. Friendly atmosphere. I really hope the […]
I started to train end of Jan 2012 with a … Bull terrier. According to everyone not the most intelligent dog or the most obedient dog that there is! I completed the basic training. The support I received from the staff is phenomenal. They are always available to talk to/for advice at training and a […]
I have found the Pretoria Shepherd Dog Club to be a wonderful environment where one can learn how to handle and train your dog whether you are a beginner or more experienced dog handler. This club welcomes both! The club trainers have excellent knowledge in the gentle but effective and professional handling of any dog—even […]
We have two crazy Cocker Spaniels that are the most loving dogs around, but with little to no control over them as puppies we decided that something had to be done.Cloe the lady was the first to enter our home and we took her to puppy training at a reputable training institution. This was great […]
A note of appreciation from Tessa and Abby I am a firm fan of Wiemaraners. Abby, who is my second Weimie, got her name from the Hebrew name, Abigail – meaning source of deep joy.) We started training at eight weeks and had a lot of fun with Breggie Lewis doing Clicker Training culminating in […]