One has to ask yourself the question why are you a club member? Speaking for myself I thought hard if I wanted to continue to be a member this year.  Being almost 2 years at the club I have a dog that behaves well at home.  I don’t intend taking her to shows as I do not have the time to spend on dedicated training.  So we are more casual members.  If on a given day she does not heel perfectly or break a stay, it is not a train smash.  Cindy enjoys the obstacle course, jumps etc.  After a Saturday afternoon session arriving home she is dead tired.  When it is hot she goes and cools off by sitting in the pool.  The real reason that we are continuing this year is when my wife speaks to her on a Saturday morning and asks if she wants to go to ‘school’ today.  She mentions that Kaptein, Bruno, Max, Peanut… Might be there also.  The way that her body language lightens up shows that it is worthwhile attend the club sessions.  (At the end of the day I am doing it for her, but enjoy it just as much).  Thanks for the good work that you and your team are doing.