In, January 2014, I became the proud owner of a 6 week old, female Sable German Shepherd puppy.
I knew of the Pretoria German Shepherd Dog Club existence for a long time, being a club member of a neighbouring organisation in Menlo Park, and decided to join.
We waited with great anticipation, so that Cindy could have her 2nd vaccination, to be able to attend the Puppy Kindergarten on Saturday afternoons. Cindy, being the only 4 paw member of the Humans family, enjoyed the socialisation with the other puppies to a great extent! (I recommend the attendance of the Kindergarten before joining the Puppy Classes.)
In March we started the Puppy Classes. This Cindy enjoyed even more!
The classes are well structured with a balance of formal obedience training and puppy socialisation. After an evening’s activity Cindy gives true meaning to the saying “as tired as a dog”, and falls asleep as soon as we reach home.
I as owner, enjoy learning to work with Cindy.
The last time I had to raise a puppy was more than 14 years ago. The evening lectures that are presented, gives one up to date information regarding the latest do’s and don’ts in raising a puppy. Thanks to Tania for all her patience and advice.
We are looking forward in joining the Saturday afternoon classes.
Charl and Cindy Human